
Faculty Directory (TABATA Tomohiro)

Name TABATA Tomohiro (田畑 智博)
Title Associate Professor
E-Mail tabata [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Degree Ph.D. (Nagoya University)
Research Field Urban environmental system engineering
Faculty [Undergraduate] Department of Human Environmental Science > Division of Living Environment
Research Interest

My research aims to propose solutions for urban environmental issues taking into account the relationship between our social and economic activities and the environmental impacts.

Graduate School [Master's Program] Department of Human Environmental Science > Division of Living Environment
[Doctoral Program] Department of Human Environmental Science > Division of Living Environment
[(old) Master's Program] Department of Human Environmental Science > Division of Living Environment
[(old) Doctoral Program] Department of Human Environmental Science > Division of Living Environment
Research Interest

My research aims to design a methodology to establish a sustainable society taking into account the relationship between our social and economic activities and the environmental impacts.

Researcher Info. Directory of Researchers in Kobe University
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